Saturday, January 19, 2013

What Is Your Heart Set Upon?

I've been quiet on the blogosphere lately. Finishing up school, trying to figure out what to do with life, and pursuing other projects have taken away my time. I still crave for the moments when I can sit in silence and ponder things and reflect on my readings.

In the wake of all the gun violence and gun talk lately I was really seeking answers from anywhere I could find them. I enjoy discussing issues with different people mostly because I have not fully developed my own opinions on things and I want to hear the thoughts other people have. One day recently, I decided to dust off my copy of the Dao De Jing and just find something else to think about for a while. I don't think it was coincidence that I happened to read the following:

Fine weapons of war augur evil.
Even things seem to hate them.
Therefore, a man of Dao does not set his heart upon

As weapons are instruments of evil,
They are not properly a gentleman's instruments;
Only on necessity will he resort to them.
For peace and quiet are dearest to his heart,
And to him even a victory is no cause for rejoicing.

To rejoice over a victory is to rejoice over the slaughter
      of men!
Hence a man who rejoices over the slaughter of men
      cannot expect to thrive in the world of men.

Because many people have been killed, it is only right
     that survivors mourn for them.
Hence, even a victory is a funeral.

I hope with everything going on that everyone will remember to keep peace in their hearts. Even when disagreements arise remember we all want the same thing: fewer deaths and more safety. None of us rejoice at the loss of life. We want to be safe and free to be happy, to worship, and to live.


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