When the weather is good I ride my bike to the Frontrunner station in Farmington and take my bike with me on the train to SLC. I transfer to Trax and ride it up to the U. After class I ride my bike down the hill to the Frontrunner station and ride it home. Ever since I started doing this
I have entertained the idea that I should ride all the way home from the U one day. I have mentioned this idea to a few classmates who's response was something like "You're nuts!" with looks of doubt. Monday's snowstorm was a huge surprise to me, I was thinking winter was pretty much over and I was glad to be rid of it. The snow kinda bummed me out because I love spending time outside on my bike or running up to flag rock above Farmington. After class on Wednesday the weather was absolutely gorgeous. I was so happy to have some warmth while riding my bike down 200 South in Salt Lake. I was still bundled up though, I was wearing jeans and a hoodie with a wind-breaker jacket. I was feelin easy just taking my time and cruising down to the station. Once I got to the Gateway the idea of riding all the way home crossed my mind again. The faces of those doubtful classmates came into my mind as I began to create excuses for why I shouldn't or couldn't do it today. Excuse 1: I'm wearing jeans. This may not seem like a good excuse (and it isn't) but it's much more comfortable to ride in shorts. Excuse 2: I don't have my camelbak. I usually have a camelbak full of water with me when I go to school but I hadn't gotten around to cleaning it out since last weekend's backpacking trip so I didn't have it with me that day. Excuse 3: It will take me longer to get home if I ride. This excuse was the least important because I had nothing to do once I got home anyway. (besides play ping pong with Jake) I decided it would be better if I made the ride another day, when I had shorts on, when I had my camelbak and when everything was perfect. In the midst of all this excuse making the thought came to my mind "why not?" I told myself, "I already told you why not! I'll do it another day!" Then came "why not today?" I found myself looking down 200 South, past the turn to the Frontrunner station with determination. I don't think I could have stopped my legs if I wanted to because at this point my rational mind had gone and my spirit was screaming for joy as my legs moved up and down, pedaling the bike faster and faster. I rode home that day with a smile on my face the entire time. The ride from 200 South to Center Street in North Salt Lake was a bit scary with all the cars on the road, but once I got to Center Street I met up with the Legacy bike trail, stripped down to a t-shirt, rolled up my pant legs and smiled my way home. I was really happy to see others on the trail enjoying the beautiful weather as much as I was. Sometimes we push out good ideas because it isn't in our routine, we are afraid of the change and we may even be afraid of success. Next time you are deciding when to go to the gym, when to eat better, when to write down that though or tell that person you care just think
"Why not today?"
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